Adult Ministries

Adult Ministries

Bible Study/Sunday School Class: 9:45 AM

Psalm 25:4-5; "Make me know Your ways, O LORD, Teach me Your paths. 
Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day." 

This class exists to create an open environment in which individuals or couples can develop a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and a compassion for people, motivated by a compassion for God.

This class is currently meeting in the Prayer Room and is taught by Gary Andersen.


The GoldenHeirs, our senior citizens, meet on the third Friday of each month for a potluck luncheon at noon.  This is a time of good fellowship, sharing grandchildren anecdotes, helpful hints, prayer requests and testimonies plus a special speaker, video or helpful demonstration. Several times during the year the GoldenHeirs take a tour of a factory, museum or other interesting place in our beautiful Pacific Northwest.


Women's Ministry

The Women's Bible Study meets weekly Thursday mornings at 10:00 am in the Felowship Hall. More information here.